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e-chips.li is your reliable partner
to bridge the bottleneck during semiconductor crisis
together with you!

Welcome to e-chips.li,
your reliable supplier for electronic components.

Due to the global semiconductor crisis, numerous electronic components were being discontinued because crucial parts are no longer available on the European market. Even the traditional distributors can no longer provide these components. In the meantime, the company e-chips.li has scanned the market and found reliable companies in the USA and Asia, which still have remaining stock material of those otherwise scarce components.

This enables us to offer and procure these highly sought after components (FPGA, MCU, DSP, memory and more) for you. We support you in the procurement process of these components by taking care of the import and the customs clearance process to Germany, Switzerland, France, Austria or Liechtenstein.

We reduce your risk by procuring samples in advance, that can validated before acceptance. We offer to implement these electronic components into your end products and test them thouroughly before buying bigger amounts.

Contact us for a non-binding offer via our contact form. You will receive an offer within 48 hours!

Map of Europe with the import destinations

Medical and environmental sensors

For healthy life, clean water and fresh air


For automated control of machines

Consumer electronics

For use in electronic devices for private use

IoT & telecommunications

smart sensors for networking physical devices via software

Display devices and information boards

For small or large display devices at train stations, airports or parking garages

Spare parts

For the repair of products in the EOP cycle that can no longer be procured on the market


Inquiry of the required

Preparation of offer,

Ordering and signing customs authority,



no risk

Use 5 days after receiving the components for functional testing!

no delay due to customs clearance

Due to personal customs clearance in the border area, there is no risk of time delay by customs authorities!

Import turnover tax

By the signed customs authorization e-chips.li takes over the payment of the import sales tax at a customs office near the border for you. With the provided receipts you can claim this as input tax.

Short delivery times

After completing the customs clearance process, you will receive the components within one to two days through DHL EXPRESS insured domestic transportation.


The buyer is free to arrange a pickup of the components by a carrier of his choice ex works in Liechtenstein.

However, the customs clearance process and any time delays will then be the responsibility of the buyer.


e-chips.li is an organization of Bülbül Project Management based in the Principality of Liechtenstein. It is managed by Mr. Selcuk Bülbül.

Through our ethical company values, we do not undertake the procurement of components for the weapons or military industry.

Our company stands for trust, reliability and fairness.

For general questions or inquiries about electronic components, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Contact us

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